The 11th Sokokembang Gibbon Field Course (MSP2024)

by : Arif Setiawan

MSP 2024 all participants

On October 23 2024, the Sokokembang gibbon field course  was started, located in the heart of Gibbon Habitat, of  Sokokembang Forest, Petungkriyono, Kab. Pekalongan, Central Java. This course  recognized as   Pelatihan Metode Survey Primata (MSP) nationally is an annual activity organized by Swaraowa in collaboration with the Primate Study Group at Gadjah Mada University, and this year was the 11th field course, since 2013. Goal of this course is to regenerate gibbon researchers ,  conservation enthusiast in Indonesia by introducing basic methods for gibbon population survey and build conservation networking among of them.

Sokokembang gibbon field course this year started by participants selection, was conducted two months before the date, and we received 42 applications from all over Indonesia gibbon region origin : Java, Sumatera and Kalimantan, represent universities, NGOs, and youth community. We have to select from these applications for about 15 to 20 participants berdasarkan their background and motivation letter. All participants selected are covered, transport and accommodation from their home origin to Sokokembang.

We have to thanks this year to Fortwayne Children’s Zoo, Chances For Nature, Ostrava Zoo, and Arcus Foundation and Owa coffee for all support, that make event happened. We have selected 19 participants representing Indonesia gibbon habitat  and active students from Kalimantan, Java and Sumatera.  (University of Palangkaraya, University of National, Bogor Agricultural University, Sebelas maret university, Gadjah Mada University, Brawijawa University, Kuningan University, Jakarta Islamic University, University of Sriwijawa South Soumatera, Raden Fatah Islamic University South Sumatera, Araniry Islamic University Aceh, Hutan Adat Wehea East Kalimantan, and Mentawai Community, Mendolo Youth, a youth farmer community in Pekalongan, Central Java )

field practice

The event is also part of the International gibbon day that celebrated globally  in 24th October, dan The opening of this training was on the evening of October 24, by the committee team and introduction of each participant, distribution of training kits and division of teams for the following day. On 25 October morning at 7 am, participants were in class and received the first material from the resource person, namely Dr. Salmah Widyastuti, introducing vocal count- triangulation a basic method for gibbon survey based on their vocalization and general information about Javan gibbon population and distribution in landscape Dieng especially Pekalongan and Banjarnegara regency. Following this class, Aoliya and Adin from Swaraowa give a talk and introduction on bioacoustics use for gibbon monitoring. Aoliya talk about how we collect data using passive voice recorder and basic analysis for their calls and Adin give a talk about technical set up for passive voice recorders using SM4 bioaccoustic devices.

Class room activities, presentation talk by Sinan PRCF

On October 25 participants started 06.30 collecting data in the field, at 3 listening post that have been established for gibbon monitoring, divided in to three groups and collecting. In this day participants practicing by real situation how to recognize gibbons vocalization, measuring the distance and record their compass bearing for call directions. Started at 6.00 and finished at 10.00 am. Every listening post have 4-5 participants to keep record gibbon vocalization, and 1 experienced swaraowa’s team researcher. While  collecting direct vocal data count, in each listening post SM4 recorder was installed. Base on previous guideline in the class, all  recorders started to call at 06.00 to 10.00 am.

Dr. Salmah Widyastuti course tutor, class room activities

Afternoon activities, started with how Data Analysis conducted based on series of observation, lead by Salmah Widyastuti, guided all participats conducted mapping and population density analysis using classic methos ( Brockelman and Ali, 1993)  and advanced methods ( Vu and Rawson, 2016) . Followed by Aoliya who assist all participants how to anaylise biouacoustic data that collected from passive voice recorder. At evening invited guest lecturer Sinan Serhadli  gibbon conservationist from PRCF Bangladesh gibbon conservation project, give a talk on current gibbon conservation program of Hoolock gibbon ( Hoolock hoolock) in Bangladesh. This talk give different perspectives and insight on current situation of gibbon conservation outside of Indonesia. Before the talk Arif Setiawan founder and director of Swaraowa was presenting history of MSP gibbon field course and swarowa’s conservation project activities.

Nur Aoliya course tutor, introducting bioacoustic devices for gibbon

26 October all participants did the same activities and finished at afternoon, back to the class and doing data analysis both from listening post listening and bioacoustics devices. Discussion and evaluation during two days practice conducted actively involving swaraOwa team and among participants, and followed report write up and writing presentation of their result.

fild practice in the forest

Javan Gibbon, observed during the course

27 October all participants invited to do primate watching in Sokokembang route, using local pickup vehicle, this regular route for monitoring and primate watching. And all participants records all primates in Sokokembang, Javan gibbon, Javan surili, Javan langur and Macaca fascicularis. After these activities all participants back to class and do result presentation and closing ceremonies.

doplak ride for primate watching

We are on behalf of swaraOwa and Primate study group, Gadjah Mada University  thanks to all of all of local organization who support activities the 11th Sokokembang MSP, Perhutani KPH, Kayupuring villages govt and our annual donors Fortwayne Children’s Zoo, Chances For Nature, Ostrava Zoo, and Arcus Foundation and Owa coffee who provide support for all participants, activities for this event. See you again next year the 12th Sokokembang gibbon field course- MSP 2025.

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