by : Nurlita Uswatun Khasanah and Dinka Aulia Nurul Ikhsan
Every October 24 is celebrated as World Gibbon Day. This is a reminder of the importance of the existence of this speceis. Its ecological role as a seed disperser in the forest is so important that this animal really needs to be preserved. The Javan gibbon as a primate endemic to Java also has social value as a global identity. Therefore, KP3 Primata collaborated with SwaraOwa every year to organize this Gibbon Camp event as part of the commemoration of World Gibbon Day.
The purpose of this event is 1) to campaign to voice and also disseminate conservation awareness to the public and especially to KP3 Primate members related to Gibbon Conservation. 2) Inform the general public about the existence status of gibbons and their natural habitat.
On 1-3 November 2024, at Welo Asri, 15 participants gathered at the Welo Asri camping ground area, Kayupuring village, Petungkriyono District. The event was opened by the chairman of the WeloAsri pokdarwis, Mas Muhammad Kuswoto, and an introduction to the discussion and introduction to Gibbon conservation in Petungkriyono from Swaraowa by Mas Wawan.
On November 2, observations were made by walking approximately 2-3 km from Sokokembang to Kroyakan along main forest road, divided into three groups, each group consisting of at least 5 people with a guide from SwaraOwa. Starting from 6.30 to 9.30 we saw 4 individuals of Rekkerjaan (Presbytis fredericae), 14 individuals of Javan Langur (Trachypithecus auratus), and 4 individuals of Long-tailed Monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). In the afternoon and evening due to rainy days observation activities were stopped.
On November 3, observations were made around Welo Asri, and we were very lucky to be able to see Javan Gibbons. We observed 3 groups of gibbons from around Welo Asri, with a total of 9 individuals. Recorded the highest number of individual gibbons observed in approximately 2 hours, in one location.
The complete report on Gibbon Camp activities can be read here, thank you to SwaraOwa and all parties involved. See you at the next Gibbon camp. (translated from original article in bahasa here)