The Team

216004_18934017136_1161_nWawan ( Arif Setiawan)

Founder and Director, have experiences on field work for research and conservation of  Indonesian primate species, his blog :



Sidiq Harjanto, Beekeping expert and community development  specialist recently join in 2017 . read his blog here




Nur Aoliya, have been working with the project since 2014, she’s doing Master study on bioacustic of Javan Gibbons and she is swaraowa’s finance manager.


Bayu Iriyanto, joining the team as coffee manager at Owa Coffee



Imam Taufiqurrahman, joining the team for bird specialist in Mentawai conservation program and critically endangered birds conservation initiative.


Kurnia Ahmaddin,  join the team in 2021 as Biodiversity researcher, did study on Habitat of White Breasted Babler in Sokokembang  forest 2016.





One thought on “The Team

  1. Hello

    I would like to introduce myself, Sylvain Beauséjour, naturalist.
    I am currently finishing a book on Asian primates. This book brings together all the best photos from more than two hundred professional photographers, naturalists, primatologists and protection organizations. The aim of this book is to provide photographic references to better understand and distinguish primates and in particular to make people aware of their possible extinction and the importance of preserving their environment.

    The book is now almost finished with 195 species and ssp. from Asia. I saw on your website that you have a nice photo of Simias concolor and I would like you to help me complete the book by giving me permission to use it. But it must be absolutely Simias concolor concolor and not siberu.

    Of course, the credits are highlighted
    In addition a link will be made on this website

    I give an e-book to each participant as a thank you.
    Note that Anthony Ryland of IUCN as a co-author writes all the texts on taxonomy and distribution.

    If you want more information I would be happy to give it to you.
    Thanks and …
    Best regards!

    Sylvain Beausejour
    You can contact me at this email:
    [email protected]

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