Tag Archives: #siripokBilou


Siberut Wildlife Watch: preserving nature , cuture and sustainable economy

by Arif Setiawan

Bokkoi ( Macaca Siberu)

Siripok bilou, means “friends of the gibbons “ in Siberut language was  swaraOwa initiated in 2016 in as a movement to promote primate watching eco-tourism , has provided experience for the Siberut team, because since then it has also received attention from local and foreign visitors who are interested in seeing Siberut’s endemic primates directly (Gibbons, siberut langur, Siberut Macaque, and Simakobu , critically endangered pigtailed langur), or other animals through observation and adventure activities.

From September October to November 2024 guests come and go to the observation location in Toloulago, South West of Siberut. The Siripok Bilou team led by Ismael, Vincent and Franky organizes each visit.  The guests who come vary according to their respective interests.  These guests usually get information from previous guests, and through Swaraowa’s website and social media. Mammal watching is still the main reference for these guests for observation visits in Mentawai, especially Siberut.

Batek-Asian Water Monitor ( Varanus salvator)

Green Broadbill (Caliptomena viridis)

Asian Fairy- Blue Bird ( Irena puella)

Joja Siberut langur ( Presbytis siberu)

Siberut flysing Squirrel ( Petynomis lugens)

Sipora flying squirrel ( Hylopetes sipora)

The trip reports they write on the website are very useful for marketing as well as biodiversity reports, because they usually write about list of species that they encounter, their locations and visuals or photo or video documentation.

Our field work in 30 August to 4 September, 2024,  we did Tololago wildlife watch  and recorded numerous wildlife such as Siberut macaque, Siberut langur, Siberut flying squirrel, Greed broad bill, Asian Fairy-Blue bird, asian water monitor, the gibbon,  and many more. These new collection upated visual documentary list of Mentawaian wildlife. through this fieldwork we also improving skill of guiding and develop further plan to conserve Tololago forest area.

One of the very popular trip reports is the one written by Mark Spence in 2018, https://www.mammalwatching.com/2019/10/17/new-trip-report-siberut-mentawai-islands/ .He initially got the information through SwaraOwa’s social media, and we helped him prepare the itinerary and technical details of his visit. The Siripok Bilou team arranged the technical aspects of the visit including logistics, local transport and accommodation.

Visits vary in duration, depending on the ship’s schedule, it can be 3 days and two nights, 4 days and 5 nights or 6 days and 7 nights.

Last September the Siripok Bilou team also had guests who initially read Mark Spence’s trip report and then contacted SwaraOwa via email, the target of their visit was mammal species. We actually already have a list of mammals in Toloulago, but the photos or visual documentation is not yet complete. Just based on local names and identification of previous reports, species of rats and squirrels  it doesn’t seem like there are many recent reports from Siberut. I met Ian Thomson and Paul Carter from Canada and England in Padang before going to Siberut, and explained their expectations for their visit to Siberut.

During their 6 days and 7 nights in Toloulago, accompanied by Ismael, Vinsen and Franky, they said in their email that they had great success findings small mammals in Siberut. You can read their trip report here : https://www.pacapix.com/indonesia-siberut/.

Ian Thomson made his own trip report about his trip and can be read here: https://www.mammalwatching.com/community-post/indonesia-siberut-sumatra-and-java-september-2024/

These trip  reports are very meaningful for us to continue to advocate for nature protection in Mentawai, even though it is not yet a tourism priority, special interest tourism like this has potential that is worthy of development. The threat of deforestation and hunting which is home to Siberut’s wildlife still continues. Visits like this have also had a positive impact on residents around the forest especially in Toloulago, lodging businesses, local guides,  and providing meals for guests. Mentawai traditional culture and daily practice will be appreciated by the people from outside.

There are still many things that need to be improved for the management of special interest tourism in Mentawai. Siripok Bilou, which operates independently, needs to receive continued support. A very meaningful form of support is participating in promoting and visiting Siberut directly, by visiting forest activities with guests. who want to see native Mentawai animals, has also influenced residents not to destroy the forest.  Please contact us [email protected] for your wildlife watching adventure to Siberut.


Siripok Bilou : Mentawai Gibbon Friends

by Arif Setiawan

Bilou (Hylobates klossii) and the Mentawai Islands since the first time I breath the air on Sikerei’s land in 2010, have their own charm always to re-visit, not just to see but have to continue to contribute to participating in conservation efforts, in a modern cultural wave that rolls forge these islands on the shores of the Indian Ocean.

Since the first time Bilou’s research activities in the Mentawai have become an identity, my colleagues  and I in South Siberut, especially the Malinggai Uma ( a long house) Mentawai team, have at least been known for Bilou’s conservation activities, so we met many people in Mentawai villages. called us by the name of Si Bilou. This nickname has now stuck and has finally made us proud of what we have done.

In Mentawai culture, if there are people from outside the tribe who can then be accepted and become part of the tribe, there is the term “siripok”, which means more or less like a friend, close friend. I, Pak Ismail, and Dami  (both of them from one of the largest clans in Mentawai) seem to have gone through various dynamics since the first time we met them more than 13 years ago. Starting from research and survey activities in the Mentawai Islands, they are the spearhead, not just being guides, pompong drivers, and language translators, without them current activities would not be what they are today, they are lead Malinggai Uma, a local community organization based on cultural activities, and long time workin in the gibbon related activities, this organization have their own role to conserve nature as part of their cultural identity.

Togather with malinggai Uma team, we have done activities to mainstream the value of Mentawai nature and culture. Targeted younger generation and educators and teachers series of books and all availabe online for purchase, and training activities have done already since 2017. Mentawai primate field guide book, Mentawai Bird Guide Book, we created also quartet game for education purposes.

Series of training was done for the teachers in Mentawai with the aims to : 1. Introduce to the current generation of local teachers of Mentawai culture the local flora and fauna, especially our primate species;2. Enable teachers of Mentawai culture to spread the conservation message to their students; 3. Allow teachers to inspire the next generation to contribute to conservation at a local level; 4.Bring together Mentawai biodiversity and cultural conservation activists.

Siripok bilou has become a new spirit for us, which complements Mentawai nature conservation efforts, especially primate species at the grassroots level. The calling of the bilou then becomes a source of pride that we have done something for Bilou the Mentawai gibbon.

We tried to visualize this bilou philosophy , based on the pictures at Uma Malinggai where there is a pair of bilou holding hands. Reading this picture, one can see that Bilou is very close to daily life in Siberut, many research results have stated that gibbons are primates who always live in pairs, the size of the arms that are longer than the body is also clearly depicted in the ornaments at the Uma .

Keep up with Mentawai field works, of swaraowa and Malinggai , with #siripokbilou on social media. Apart from continuing to encourage capacity building for the Uma malinggai team, this siripok bilou logo is a medium to introduce the gibbons, nature and native Mentawai culture, hopefully it will continue to be sustainable.

To support activities in the Mentawai, we made a Siripok Bilou calendar, t-shirt and goodybags which was sold at a price of 100 thousand, you get 1 pack of Owa bilou coffee. For orders, please contact IG @swaraowa or @owacoffee or for those in Mentawai, you can contact Malinggai Uma in Puro2 hamlet, Muntai village, South Siberut. Other previous published books and mentawai biodviersity posters also can be purchased, shipped worldwide through contact us at swaraowa at gmail.com.

This year we the activities in Uma received more support fund from Arcus Foundation through great ape and gibbon program grant, we will continue activities in the 3rd teacher training in Siberut, bring them in the field to learn about mentawai nature and culture. Gibbon spotting and bird watching will be main field lesson in the training event. Coming soon for the event in this end of March 2023.